Making A Living Week is an annual event at London Metropolitan University School of Art, Architecture & Design, and consists of several talks and workshops hosted by industry professionals for students of all levels.
As part of a Work Related Learning module, I was given an internal work placement on a publishing team, lead by graphic designer Sarah Boris, tasked with creating a publication containing information from the Making A Living Week talks by Ciara Phelan and Astrid Stavro. This would then be published and given to the graduating class from the Visual Communications course.
The development of this project included illustration, audio transcription, and publication design, from the publication format and binding, to type choices, to method of production.
Myself and fellow studio member Joanna Reis developed a minimalist design and illustration concept inspired by illustrated photography and the original promotional material from Making A Living Week.
This concept was sadly scrapped when our two-person team was combined with another design team who decided to take the publication in a different direction.
Independent of the group project development, I continued to work on the original concept and brought it to a final finished design, which is what is shown below. Unfortunately, this design was not taken to print.